Wait, This isn't my finished zip file?

Made By (youtube.com/@rickastleygaming) (twitter.com/rickastleygamin) (dm me if interested in buying the domain)

New Domains By Google, the ".mov", and ".zip" domains, made it so when someone sends a link in email, or GitHub, to for example "finished.zip"which you might be the finished file to the program, Google has now made it so it would send you to this website! Annoying right? Want to know how to avoid clicking this? When seeing the attachment link, make sure not to click the blue letters, and click the little gray download button. Don't worry you won't get hacked from this website, but some malicious people, might make a website, where it would download something, and steal your info! Stay Safe, and be careful with links such as, ".zip" or ".mov".

More info on the domains: https://domains.google/tld/zip/